tutorials Using Regex in Visual Studio Code (Brief) Here's how I used the Find and Replace tool in Visual Studio Code to quickly regex some text (converting .srt to Skillshare's weird subtitle format).
learning Life hacks for memorising way more My viral Reddit post on how to learn way more effectively.
tutorials Export WordPress To Ghost Pro - How To My hacky way for exporting from Wordpress to Ghost when your plugins just don't work. Includes an image uploader via API and redirects.json file for changing Wordpress to Ghost URLs.
anki Notion2Anki: Removing Image Stretching in Anki Fix image stretching from Notion2Anki using this one line of code!
tutorials Regex: A quick summary in Python A summary of Chapter 7 of 'Automate the Boring Stuff With Python'. This is about pattern matching with regular expressions (regex).
tutorials Anki settings Anki's default settings aren't the best. I've copy-pasted this guide about the best Anki settings for high memory retention, for those who want something more advanced than the default.
tutorials How to write with greater impact My personal thoughts on ways to write better, broken down into steps that anyone could apply to their writing today.
tutorials How To: Run A Docker Application (Simple Version) - Example Using Notion2Anki A simple guide to using Docker, using Notion2Anki as an example!
tutorials My Current YouTube Video Creation Workflow (Recording Films -> Final Cut Pro) - Work in Progress How I record videos, edit them, and publish to YouTube. From start to finish! Work in progress.
tutorials Using Terminal In 10 Minutes A primer to using the command line, which is extremely important for any coding endeavours you might undertake.
tutorials Featured Introduction to RealityKit Understanding RealityKit is fundamental for building AR apps for Apple devices. Here's a brief overview of how it's structured.
tutorials How to Run A Medical Hackathon Running a medical hackathon is a logistical challenge, but well worthwhile. Here's how we got funding, did marketing, and ran the day for the first med_hack in Melbourne.